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Maid Knows everything!

Maid know everything!
You won't belief what they know and what they can do. Perhaps, you just thought.."what lah...maid only mah...". But I suggest you, it's time to change that attitude. Your maid is your precious asset. Keep it that in your mind. Don't think because you pay her you can do as you wish. She is a human too, you know! Has feeling like you! But if your maid doesn't like rice and prefer batterey as her what you wish, she is yours. She is robot anyway. Ever heard about robot maid?

So be nice and be carefull with your maid. They can be your true best friend but they can also be a dangers enemy. Tell me, which enemy more dangers than the one who know you very well.

I' m Indonesian maid. The one that you people think as low class maid and have to be suffer because your discrimination in salary or in the way you treat us. I don't understand and never understand why? A maid is a job label. No matter who work in this field even if she is a diploma holder, ex teacher, genius or anything when they are decided to work as maid they will get the label. It's okey! It's just a work..a another job. The different is in the practice.
If you earn money from behind the desk, we earn it from behind the gastove or inside the toilet. So what? The point is to get the money. Money is so important right now. People dare to kill each other for money. So what's wrong for being maid? I don't care. As long as they're treat us like themself, no problem. But most of sick and arrogant employer treat their maid like we are not a human.
We come here with big big hope, that we will find a good employer, earn a lot money and going home with pride that we be one of the succes foreign worker with a good employer.

Nothing more will make us happier than have a good employer. Good employer mean good future. Good future means work hard. work hard means money. And money means

(The maid's Diary.blogspot)

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